How Martial Arts Classes Help Your Child Manage Big 5 Emotions

a martial arts kid is smiling and seeing the titlea martial arts kid is smiling and seeing the title

Don't miss the opportunity to help your child manage their Big 5 emotions.

Behind the kicks, punches, blocks, and win-at-all-cost motivations, there is definitely more than meets the eye. Sometimes, it seems more like a paradox that the Karate or Taekwondo training could possibly develop calm, self-assured and disciplined kids. Are we falling for hype or is there really some truth? Let’s take a look at how martial arts classes help your child manage 5 big emotions.


Every day, every minute life will give plenty of good reasons for us to be impatient. Because, basically we’re all impatient: we have needs, any delay will not be accepted. Note: Your kid is not an exception to this rule.
Now you may think how patience is taught in martial arts. Simply put, patience here is ‘the distance between the white belt and the prestigious black belt’. Students know from the beginning that they have to wait, watch, and know when to act in order to reach the next level. Perception, humility, and dedication are the key elements that bring in patience to karate or taekwondo training.


New York Times bestselling author H. Jackson Brown Jr. rightly said, “Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There’s plenty of movement, but you never know if it’s going to be forward, backward, or sideways.” Martial arts practitioners live and breathe incessant training, self-discipline, and constant practice to keep the thoughts and actions balanced.
Few ways Karate or Taekwondo training teaches your child the importance of self-control and self-discipline are, 

  •    Cause and effect lessons
  •    Think before act training
  •    Recognizing the root cause and solving the problem
  •    Empowering with discipline and responsibility


Many kids have a hard time sticking with a game or an activity for long at some point in their life. Taekwondo classes can help boost such kids’ mental acuity. During a taekwondo class, children will learn and master the ways to focus and control breathing, movement, and channeling their inner energy into each punch. In addition, it ensures winning without hurting. If you’re looking for a solution to boost mental focus of your kid, Martial arts classes may be your ticket!


Respect costs nothing yet it’s in short supply – and that’s exactly why you should consider enrolling your kids in martial arts classes. Because everything begins and ends with respect in taekwndo training. A brief halt and a respectful bow to the instructor and peers is a simple gesture yet it speaks volume. Plus, it will instill a sense of gratitude in them at an early age.


Physical benefits of learning karate or taekwondo are obvious, but there are several other benefits as well, including improved communication skills. Martial arts training also involves teaching students how to make eye contact, speak clearly and stand tall – the best ways to show confidence. Confidence, in turn, makes them better communicators. In short, martial arts trainers give more importance to teach the kids how to agree to disagree respectfully, how to keep the communication open, how to avoid bullies, and how to address others formally.

In short, more than fighting and shouting ‘Kihap’, Taekwondo is about making better persons and a better world!